Writing Practice Test 1

  • Due No due date
  • Points 40
  • Questions 40
  • Time Limit 40 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


NOTE: This exam is based on the Praxis Core: Writing (5723) Practice 1 Test from Learning Express Library. As an NSC student you have access to Learning Library for free, just register using your NSC email & student information. To access more practice tests, study materials, & detailed explanations for each answer visit: https://www.learningexpresshub.com


Selected Response 1: 

Each of the following questions consists of a sentence that contains four underlined portions. Read each sentence, and decide whether any of the underlined parts contains an element that would be considered incorrect or inappropriate in carefully written English. The error or concern may be in grammatical construction, word use, punctuation, or capitalization. Select the underlined portion that must be revised to produce a correct sentence. If a sentence contains no errors, select “No error.” No sentence contains more than one error.


Selected Response 2:

In each of the following questions, part of the sentence or the entire sentence is underlined. Beneath each sentence are five ways of writing the underlined words. The first of these repeats the original, but the other four are all different. If you think the original sentence is better than any of the suggested changes, select the first choice; otherwise select one of the other answers.

This part of the test measures correctness and effectiveness of expression. When you select your answers be sure to pay special attention to usage in grammar, word choice, sentence construction, and punctuation. Select the option that best expresses what is presented in the original sentence. Your answer should be clear free of awkwardness, ambiguity, or redundancy.

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